30 November 2014

December Currently

Linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for the December Currently!

The Newsroom is SO good. I love this show! I'm super bummed that it is in it's final season. If you haven't checked it out, you should. It's smart, funny, and current. Love it.

Christmas decorations everywhere! I love it. I am extra festive this year, maybe it is because its my son's first Christmas? I'm not sure- but I LOVE it all. The music, the lights, the decorations, the movies, you name it. LOVE.

The next three weeks are going to be tough. You guys all know what I'm talking about- the kids are amped up, the days are short, and we are in the thick of the curriculum. It's not going to be pretty.

A vacation! I desperately, desperately want a vacation. My district (and most other ones in my state) did not have the week off for Thanksgiving. We only got 2 days- Thursday and Friday. So, needless to say, I'm ready for the break! 18 days until 2 glorious weeks of peace, quiet, and snuggling with my little guy. I can't wait!

Seriously- I can't WAIT for the TpT sale! I have my wishlist full of things that I want to buy, and I am ready to fill my cart and check out. I'm practically counting the minutes until the sale starts. WOO! My store is participating, too. Don't forget- the code is TPTCYBER.

It's the holidays, and I feel like giving. If you would like to enter to win a free copy of my newest TpT product, Probe Notebooks. To enter, make sure you follow me on bloglovin' and TPT and then comment below. I will use a random number generator to select a winner! In the meantime, check out my blog post about how I use them in the classroom.

Happy December!


  1. thanks so much for linking up!!!
    I love that saying… You're the last one so be the best one!!! HA HA HA

  2. Hey, I found you through the link up. I am your newest follower (using Google Friend Connect). Those probe notebooks sound amazing! I would love to win them!
    And I agree with you about the Christmas decorations. Christmas is my favorite holiday...so I love when all of the decorations start getting put up!
    Good luck these next 3 weeks!
    The Disneyfied Teacher

    1. Hi Ryan... you WON the giveaway!!! :) Check your email!

  3. I love the meme - so true about trying to teach in December!

    Krazy Town

    1. Seriously! I feel like I need a nap when I make it to 2:45 every day.

  4. The Probe Notebooks look interesting. Thanks! Happy December!

  5. I am ready for some more days off myself! I actually read a book during Thanksgiving! We have a little trip planned and we can't wait! Enjoy this holiday season with your little one! It's a precious time for you.
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Thank you! Enjoy your trip. :) I plan to curl up with a good book, too!

  6. I remember the days of only getting 2 days off for Thanksgiving break and it sucked. Seemed like everyone around here had the full week off. Off to go do some Cyber Monday shopping myself!

    Jennifer Smith-Sloane

    1. UGH- it's awful! I want the whole week. :( I guess I can't complain though, no one else around here gets it either.

  7. Boo to only 2 days off...my last school was like that. Hang in there!

    1. It's tough! They are crazy. Glad it's over with now. :)

  8. The Probe Notebook looks very intriguing. I was sorry I missed the flash freebie. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy! Thanks.

    1. Sorry you didn't win this time- it may be going on as a freebie again soon!

  9. Scrape kids off the ceiling. Haha!! Mine were actually okay last week...I should probably hold my breath for tomorrow! ;)

    I'm doing a giveaway, too, if you're looking for some new Christmas units!
    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten
