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Currently JULY!

How is it July already?! Maybe it's because we have only been on summer vacation for 4 days, but it feels like it should be earlier. All that record breaking snow really extended the last day of school this year! Linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for my favorite linky- Currently!

Listening: We are having one of those really fantastic New England summer thunderstorms right now. Heavy rain, loud thunder, bright lightning. It reminds me of summertime when I was a child, sitting in the window seat with a book. Probably The Babysitter's Club because that was on point back in the 90s. :)

Loving: These first few days of vacation! Leaving my little guy for work every day was so hard this year. Now that he is one, he is SO much fun! I love getting up every morning and playing with him. We don't rush around, and we play outside every day. It's heaven.

Thinking: It's the 4th of July this weekend! We are probably going to our local fireworks with the little guy, but we will walk so we don't get stuck in 3 hours of traffic as we drive the 1 mile home.

Wanting: I need some time to create! I have some fun ideas, but no time to implement them. I'm going crazy. I think I'm going to have to dedicate nap time to creating a couple times a week.

Needing: This year, I am determined to go back to school with a roadmap of the year. I'm not talking specific plans- goodness knows I could NEVER do that- but a basic outline of the units and when I am teaching them. I think it will keep me on track more than referring back to 4 different district curriculum maps constantly.

All-Star: I am an all-star organizer! I love to organizer. Color coding, filing, sorting, labeling- you name it. It's kind of a sickness. I re-organize my closet and my office fairly often. I am in the process of switching over to a new personal planning system, too. Maybe all the re-organizing means I am actually NOT an all-star?  :)


  1. It has been storming here all day as well! How is it that it's summer time and we all still feel like we don't have enough time to get everything done!?

    1. Seriously! This time of year I can't even imagine what I do during the school year. How do I fit it all in??? I'm loving life right now, though!

  2. Ahhh, I love listening to storms! We have had a ton of rain in the last few weeks here in Indiana but today is sunny. Enjoy your thunderstorm! Haha! On a side note, I was an avid Babysitter's Club reader as well! :)

  3. We were on vacation last week in Orlando and it stormed almost every evening. Big nasty storms. Fortunately, we got most of the fun stuff done in the morning and we were able to make it back to the Magic Kingdom on Friday to see the fireworks.

    The year-long plan is a great tool. I have one for my teaching, but it took us quite a while to make it happen and it is constantly being tweaked and refined. Good luck!

    1. I love that about Florida! My dad has a place down there, and the daily rainstorms this time of year were almost magical when I was a kid- especially in the Everglades. So cool!

  4. Replies
    1. I so wanted to be in the Baby Sitter's Club!!! Too bad I was the only kid in my neighborhood. :(

  5. I love the Baby Sitter's Club, too! It was a favorite!

    1. I have a huge box of them in my classroom... that no one reads. :(

  6. Oh man, you just got out for summer? We have been off for a whole month! Of course, I'm sure you get to be off until around Sept and we go back mid-August. But this just seems SO late to start summer break.

    1. We go back the week before Labor day each year. You are right- it's SO LATE this year! We were supposed to get out June 12. UGH!

  7. I need more time to create too! So glad I found your blog! I plan on having a linky party next week! I just posted all about it. Hopefully you will be able to link up!

    Bits of First Grade

  8. You had me at Babysitters Club! I have the entire series in my classroom... I'm probably the only one who reads them, but who cares?!? Those thunderstorms were fierce, and I was very happy that they only stayed thunderstorms! Organizing is a favorite activity of mine too, and I have to focus very hard on the road when I pass the Container Store! Enjoy your 4th of July!

    The Starr Spangled Planner

    1. I'm totally the only one who reads mine, too! Kids these days... ;)

  9. First of all, the Babysitter's Club was the best book series ever. We can be friends, just based off of that one reading choice. :) I also love all things organization. Pens, washi tape, notebooks, calendars, Erin Condren, I could go on. Also, summer is awesome. I love your blog design, too.
    Faith Filled Teaching


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