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Currently May

So, I'm still pretty new at this blogger thing, and it seems that I learn something new every day. Well, a few weeks ago someone had given me a tutorial on how to set up my account so people could reply to my comments by email. I set it all up and was SO proud of myself! Until today, that is, when I logged into an alternative account that I never used and noticed that there were TONS of emails comment replies. :( OOPS! I fixed it all up and it should go to the correct email address now. Sorry if you have replied to a comment of mine and I never replied! I'm not ignoring you, I promise. :)

Can you believe it is May? It doesn't seem possible. I feel like I say that every month, but I mean it this time. Only 6 weeks left of school- not that I'm counting! We have a lot of fun stuff going on from now until then, too. I'm most excited for a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts. Our school has never gone, so our art teacher organized a trip for the fifth grade. The kids will get a guided tour and then have some free time to wander around. The only downside is that we are trying to fit in as much as we can at the museum so we have to eat lunch on the bus on the drive home. Yuck!

Time to link up with Farley from Oh 'Boy Fourth Grade for the May Currently!

If you haven't participated before, head on over and check it out. It's a fun way to meet other bloggers!

I mentioned before that I am coming up on 100 followers. WAHOO! Not quite there yet, but closing in on it. I can't wait to hold my very first giveaway! If you are interested in donating an item for it, I'd be forever grateful. :) Just fill out the form below. I've gotten a few replies and I am really excited! I am hoping to be able to do the giveaway next week. 

Two school days left until state Math testing... then 5 school days until state Science testing. Almost to the home stretch!

Hope you all are having beautiful weather like we are... 70 and sunny the past week! A girl could get used to this...


  1. Hi~I'm Brandee your newest follower! :) Good luck with 100...I just got there earlier this week. :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

    1. Thanks for coming by! I'm psyched to get there. :) Getting closer... It's almost as bad as waiting for the last day of school.

  2. Hello! I am a new follower - I am new at all this too; hope you will stop by :)!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Kathleen! I can't get to your blog with that address, but I'd love to visit yours! What is the URL?

  3. Hi Mandy! Found your blog from Currently. Keep up the blogging work! I love your blog design.
    Leach Teach

  4. Loving that its May...only 3 weeks left for us!
    I would love to donate for your giveaway :)
    Congrats on getting to 100! That's such a fun milestone and super exciting :)

    Teachery Tidbits

    1. Thank you so much for donating! I can't wait to put it together. Wahoo! You'll hear from me soon.

  5. I need to organized summer clothes, too! My goal this weekend is to clean out my son's closet and organize his summer clothes!

    1. I have to clean out my husband's closet. He has so much, but rarely wears any of it. Crazy! Hope yours went well.

  6. Nice weather does bring about thoughts of summer clothes...finally! You're now one step closer to 100 -- I'm your newest follower!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

    1. Sweet! Thank you. :) Going by to check yours out now!

  7. Hang in there on the testing!


    1. Ugh, thanks. Hopefully it goes by quickly!

  8. I just found you through the comment you left on my page- come on you could totally work some print pants! Do it!
    Yay for nearing 100 followers! I just took your count up to 93, you'll be there in no time!
    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

    1. Woo! Thank you. :) I don't know about those pants on me, though... they looked super cute on you but I feel like I'd look silly! ha. I'm going to have to try some on soon.


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